34 Foto Lucu Burung dan Hewan Lain di Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016

Burungnya.com – Di alam liar terdapat berbagai jenis hewan yang memiliki kepribadian berbeda satu sama lain. Ada hewan yang mempunyai sifat pemarah, ada juga yang pemalu. Sebagian juga ada hewan yang lucu-lucu, seperti beberapa burung dan hewan lain yang diikutkan dalam kompetisi Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016.

Para fotografer di seluruh di dunia ditantang untuk memperlihatkan kemampuan mereka dalam mengambil foto hewan terlucu dengan angle terbaik. Kami yakin, hasil foto mereka membutuhkan usaha yang sangat keras. Pasalnya, mencari momen kelucuan yang diperlihatkan seekor hewan itu tidaklah mudah.

Kompetisi fotografi Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016 sendiri tidak semata-mata hanya berfokus pada sisi kelucuan seekor hewan. Ternyata tujuan mereka mengadakan kompetisi ini adalah untuk konservasi.

Pihak penyelenggara kompetisi telah bekerjasama dengan Born Free Foundation, animal welfare, dan conservation charity untuk mengambil tindakan nyata di seluruh dunia dalam menyelamatkan nyawa, menghentikan penderitaan, dan melindungi hewan-hewan di alam liar.

Nah, daripada penasaran dengan foto-foto lucu para burung dan hewan-hewan lainnya, lebih baik Anda langsung melihat deretan foto yang masuk dalam galeri Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016, seperti yang disadur Burungnya.com dari designyoutrust.com dan www.comedywildlifephoto.com.

Daftar Isi

1. Seekor Beruang yang terlihat memiliki sayap di kepala

(Photo by Adam Parsons Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Adam Parsons Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

2. Seekor anak Beruang Kutub melambaikan tangan ke kamera

(Photo by Philip Marazzi Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Philip Marazzi Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

3. Gorila mengacungkan jari tengah ke fotografer

(Photo by Gil Gofer The Comedy Wildlife Awards Mercury Press)
(Photo by Gil Gofer The Comedy Wildlife Awards Mercury Press)

4. Jerapah menjulurkan lidahnya

(Photo by Steven Biddlecombe Comedy Wildlife Awards Mercury Press)
(Photo by Steven Biddlecombe Comedy Wildlife Awards Mercury Press)

5. Kambing Gunung tertawa terbahak-bahak

(Photo by Yuzuru Masuda The Comedy Wildlife Awards Mercury Press)
(Photo by Yuzuru Masuda The Comedy Wildlife Awards Mercury Press)

6. Seekor burung memamerkan ikan tangkapan di dalam mulut

(Photo by Chrys Mellor Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Chrys Mellor Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

7. Burung Puffin sedang nengkleng, mungkin mabuk laut dan udara

(Photo by Mary Swaby Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Mary Swaby Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

8. Anak Gajah menancapkan belalainya ke tanah

(Photo by Markus Pavlowsky Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Markus Pavlowsky Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

9. Seekor anak Zebra memamerkan giginya yang rapi

(Photo by Alison Mees Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Alison Mees Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

10. Dua ekor Meerkat sedang bertengkar

(Photo by Brigitta Moser Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Brigitta Moser Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

11. Burung Hantu mau foto selfie pakai GoPro

(Photo by Megan Lorenz Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Megan Lorenz Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

12. Katak sedang tersenyum lebar

(Photo by Artyom Krivosheev Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Artyom Krivosheev Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

13. Beruang Coklat menari sendirian

(Photo by Alex Jevon Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Alex Jevon Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

14. Seekor Kadal terlihat seperti prajurit yang sedang membawa senjata

(Photo by Anup Deodhar Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Anup Deodhar Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

15. Burung Elang sedang pemanasan

(Photo by Ross Couper Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Ross Couper Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

16. Komodo Indonesia keluar toilet

(Photo by Caroline Tout Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Caroline Tout Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

17. Burung Hantu sedang latihan berbaris

(Photo by Austin Thomas Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Austin Thomas Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

18. Rusa yang tak bisa melihat karena matanya tertutup rumput

(Photo by James Mitson Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by James Mitson Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

19. Dua ekor Semut Rangrang dari Indonesia sedang berdansa

(Photo by Usman Priyona Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Usman Priyona Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

20. Seekor Meerkat tersipu malu

(Photo by Brigitta Moser 2 Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Brigitta Moser 2 Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

21. Rubah membenamkan kepala ke es setelah putus cinta

(Photo by Angela Bohlke Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Angela Bohlke Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

22. Badak yang unik karena memiliki dua kepala

(Photo by George Dian Balan Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by George Dian Balan Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

23. Ibu Macan Tutul kaget saat anaknya memeluk dari belakang

(Photo by CWPA Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by CWPA Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

24. Kepala Burung Hantu ini sepertinya sedang migrain

(Photo by Mario Gustavo Fiorucci Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Mario Gustavo Fiorucci Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

25. Tupai sedang berjuang mendapatkan makanan

(Photo by Henrik Spranz Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Henrik Spranz Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

26. Tupai ingin menjadi music director

(Photo by Perdita Petzl Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Perdita Petzl Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

27. Ibu burung melarang anaknya menonton acara sinetron di televisi

(Photo by Ashish Inamdar Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Ashish Inamdar Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

28. Burung Bangau buang kotoran di kepala Kerbau

(Photo by Tom Stables Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Tom Stables Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

29. Beruang diserang ikan

(Photo by Rob Kroenert Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Rob Kroenert Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

30. Burung Pelican kehilangan mangsanya

(Photo by Nicholas De Vault Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Nicholas De Vault Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

31. Kelinci Gunung menyapa fotografer

(Photo by Andy Howard Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Andy Howard Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

32. Istri Kambing sedang menunjukkan lokasi kencan kepada suaminya

(Photo by Patricia Bauchman Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Patricia Bauchman Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

33. Seekor Hyena tertawa karena diserbu lalat

(Photo by Yaron Schmid Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Yaron Schmid Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

34. Anak Kura-Kura melompat ke punggung ibunya

(Photo by Brenden Simonson Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)
(Photo by Brenden Simonson Barcroft Images Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016)

Demikian beberapa burung dan hewan lain yang sangat lucu-lucu. Semoga terhibur.

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